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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 425-426:

Alfred R. Norman

(Farmer and Sock-raiser, Section 13, Post-office Metz).

   Mr. Norman, the present justice of the peace in this township, and a man whose connection with the affairs of this community has been of value both to himself and his fellow-citizens since his location here, was born December 17, 1827, in the State of Alabama, being the son of Alfred Norman, of North Carolina originally, and Annie (Byler) Norman.  When only a child he was taken by his parents to West Tennessee, where he lived for 11 years, moving thence in 1840 to Missouri.  A settlement was chosen in Moniteau county and there he was taught the principles of farm life--an occupation which he has continued to following during the many years since that time.  Four years were also passed in Johnson county, but afterwards he returned to Moniteau county, continuing to remain there until his removal to this county in 1868.  Ever since then he has been prominently identified with the agricultural and other interests of his adopted home.  His farming operations have been conducted with signal success and have yielded him substantial results.  His present estate of 320 acres is under good cultivation and improved in a manner above criticism.  As intimated he is now serving the people as justice of the peace in an acceptable manner, and previous to this he filled the position of township assessor.  In 1850 Mr. Norman was married to Miss Cornelia Ann Johnson, of Missouri, who died in this county in 1874, leaving seven children: George W., Nannie, wife of DeWitt Hoover; Lucy, wife of Robert Ellis; Alice (now deceased), who married occurred in October 1876, to Mrs. Mary E. Davis, nee Scrutchfield, of Randolph county, Mo.  Two children have been born to them, Charles A. and James P.  Mr. Norman is a member of the Mutual Aid Society.  He also belongs to Osage Valley Baptist Church, and has served as clerk of the association, and he is now church clerk.  As a man he is favorably known.



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