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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 556-557:

John K. Moss

(Farmer and Stock-raiser, Section 26, Post-office, Harwood).

   John K. Moss was born in Claiborne county, Tenn., November 26, 1848.  His father, Martin B. Moss, was one of the early English stock of the Atlantic Sea-Board colonists who emigrated to Tennessee in a very early day.  He died when the subject of  this sketch was only five years of age, leaving a family of five girls and three boys, two of the former being deceased.  John K., the sixth child in the family, deprived of his father by death at such a youthful age, was dependent upon his mother for his training and education.  She was a lady of cultivation and refinement and fully competent to perform the arduous but loving duty assigned her.  The Civil War, however, burst with all its fury in the section of the country where they resided, and property was destroyed indiscriminately and schools abandoned, leaving things in deplorable circumstances.  During these years of hardships and trials Mrs. Moss struggled on with a devoted courage rarely equaled.  The war closing, the care of the family was maintained by the boys, who had no opportunity to attend school, though by perseverance and industry they succeeded in becoming well informed on the current events of the day.  November 26, 1868, Mr. Moss was married to Miss Ollie Truce, daughter of L. J. Truce, of Claiborne county, Tenn.  This union has been blessed with six children:  Martin B., Whit, Marcellus, William F., Maggie K., and Grover.  Up to the time of his removal to this county Mr. Moss remained in Tennessee, following farming, trading and other pursuits; he now owns an excellent farm of 240 acres and is considered an agriculturist of true merit, and though only located here since 1883 he has shown by his live, progressive methods of work and sterling integrity, that he is a worthy representative of the State of Tennessee.  He belongs to the Masonic order, and in politics, as might be expected, votes the Democratic ticket.  Mr. Moss’ career affords a striking example of what the youth of to-day may accomplish where determination is blended with industry, perseverance and honesty.

[Transcribed by Julia Brown ]


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