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Walter G. Morrison

Sep. 22, 1870 - May 11, 1931

Little Osage Cemetery, Vernon County, Missouri



Work on New Restaurant Building Being Pushed.

     A force of men with Henry Pond as foreman began work Tuesday morning on W. G. Morrison’s new restaurant building to be erected on Main street, opposite the Times office.  The frame work was almost complete yesterday, and with favorable weather the workmen expect to have it ready for occupancy within the next three weeks.

     The new building will be a 25x60 feet in size and one story high.  It will be a frame with brick veneer, and promises to be a handsome structure.

     Mr. Morrison’s business grows larger every day, and with a new building, conveniently located, he will be better than ever prepared to meet the demands of the public.

The Metz Times, Metz, Missouri.  Friday, April 14, 1911.



     W. G. Morrison passed away at his home in Metz at 6:15 o'clock Thursday evening, May 14. An illness that had lasted for more than a year had gradually reduced his strength, but he continued to carry on, though in a feeble way, until about three months ago. The news of his death came not as a shock for most friends knew his condition, but it was received with sincere sorrow, for W. G. Morrison was a man among men--a progressive citizen, a loyal townsman, a man of honesty and integrity.  Faults he had--who hasn't--but his good qualities greatly exceeded any others that might have been his. Sympathetic, charitable, he ever practiced the maxim "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Truly the community loses a good citizen.

     Funeral services were held at the Morrison home at 2:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon, conducted by his close friend, Rev. Earl Bingham. The minister read the 91st Psalm and the first sixteen verses of the 90th Psalm. His text was Psalms 91:1. A quartet composed of Mrs. M. Cutright, Mrs. Frank Brown, H. J. Finch and Clinton Wolfe, with Mrs. Pearl Potter accompanist, sang "Jesus Lover of My Soul," "It is Well With My Soul" and "Abide With Me." The crowd attending filled the house and most of the front yard. There were friends of the family present from Nevada, Fort Scott, Rich Hill and Richards. Following the funeral services Unity Lodge No. 495, A. F. and A. M., took charge. At Balltown cemetery the Masonic services were held, Rev. Bingham impressively delivering the address.

     The pall bearers were businessmen of Metz: L. A. Robinson, C. S. Bell, J. D. Liles, Roy Tough, Rawley Ramsey and J. D. Williams.

     Walter G. Morrison, son of Eric and Kathryn Morrison, was born at Brockton, N. Y., September 22, 1871. When a child he moved with his parents to Anamosa, Ia., where he grew to manhood. Thirty odd years ago he moved to Nevada. On September 1, 1900, he was united in marriage to Miss Birdie N. Richardson, at Hopkinsville, Ky., who with one daughter, Betty Dene Morrison, survive. He is also survived by one sister, Mrs. R. N. White, of Wyoming, Ia.; one brother, E. E. Morrison of Medford, Ore.; a niece, Mrs. Jessie Hoag, of Monticello, Ia., and two nephews, Robert Hays and Roy Hays, also of Monticello, Ia.

     Mr. Morrison located in Metz November 15, 1907 and embarked in the restaurant business. For years Morrison's Cafe has been one of the most popular places of the kind in southwest Missouri.

     W. G. Morrison was a member of Unity Lodge No. 435, A. F. and A. M., of Richards, and Rich Hill Chapter No. 105, R. A. M., of Rich Hill.

The Metz Times, Metz, Missouri; Friday 22 May 1931 page 1.



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