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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 737-738:

Flavius J. Moody

(Stock Dealer, Schell City).

   Though Mr. Moody is comparatively a new comer into this community, sufficient time has elapsed for him to become widely and favorably known, for his association with the interests of Vernon county, especially in the direction of fine stock interests, has brought him prominently forward and indicated him to be a man of unusual success as a stock man.  Originally from Delaware county, Ind., he was born September 17, 1842, the eldest son and second child of nine children in the family of his parents, George and Cynthia (Herley) Moody, the former a Virginian by birth and the latter of Ohio nativity.  Flavius J. was nine years of age when his parents removed to Bureau county, Ill., and there he lived until 1861, save during the time when he was occupied in learning the trade of engineer and machinist in the shops of the C., B. & Q. R. R. at Aurora, Ill.  In the year mentioned the family made another move, this time settling in Missouri, but our subject went to Colorado for a year, returning thence as far east as Des Moines, Ia., near which city his father had located from Missouri.  Three years later he went to Villisca, Montgomery county, and made it his home 12 years, engaging in the marble business and traveling over a large territory in the interest of this calling.  After spending a year in California Mr. M. became engaged in the sheep and land business in Texas, and upon removing from this latter State he located at Jericho Springs, in Cedar county, Mo., in 1881.  In 1885 he came to this county, and here his attention has been profitably directed towards the building up of a fine stock trade—horses, mules and cattle.  Active, energetic and persevering, he has established a well deserved reputation as a go-ahead, live business man, and deserves great credit for the aid he has given in promoting the stock interests in this section of the county, as well as in its other portions.  December 25, 1869, Mr. Moody was married to Miss Alice Grant, of Cambridge, Henry county, Ill., and two children have been born to them: Orville E. and Roy G.  An item that specially deserves mention at this place is that on the line of the Texas Pacific Railroad, in Texas, is the town of Midland, in Midland county, which Mr. Moody and his brother named and laid out, also naming the county.  Through their influence quite a place was built up, and there they still have extensive real estate and sheep interests.  Indeed they were the first to start the raising of sheep in that locality.

[Transcribed by Becky Siple]


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