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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 757-758:

Henry F. Montgomery

(Farmer and Stock-raiser, Section 12, Post-office, Deerfield).

   Mr. Montgomery’s career adds another example to the many instances of success achieved by the energetic, thrifty persons whose determination and will have led them to face discouragements at which the stoutest might well hesitate.  He had been brought up in St. Louis, and was accustomed to city ways, his occupation there having been principally of a clerical nature.  But a desire to engage in a calling where he might have more out-door freedom, led him to look about for an opening in the country, and finally this county was chosen as a suitable place to settle, and he came here in 1876, purchasing land and entering upon the duties of an agriculturist.  He was without experience or knowledge of farm life, but supplied by nature with a rarer quality—good common sense, he went to work, applied himself closely, learned constantly some new feature of his calling and from the first, steadily prospered.  Now he is one of the leading prosperous farmers of this locality.  His landed estate embraces 640 acres and is well improved, and in appearance is not surpassed by the farm of any man in the county.  Such a career may well serve as an encouragement to any young man desirous of attaining a substantial position in life, and may also put to shame many whose experience and pretensions have been far greater than those of Mr. Montgomery.  He was born in Carroll county, Miss., March 6, 1846, and was the son of Edward and Hannah Montgomery, née French, both natives of Ireland.  The father was a physician by profession and practiced for seven years in Mississippi, then locating in St. Louis, Mo., where he resumed his professional duties until his death in 1883.  Young Henry was the second of six children.  He was married in October, 1877, to Miss Farmer, who was born in Indianapolis, Ind.

[Transcribed by Becky Siple]


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