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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 672-673:

Judge Hazel P. Mobley


   Judge Mobley is a familiar factor in the interests of Nevada and Vernon county.  One of her early settlers and a man who by reason of official prominence has come to be widely known, he is none the less respected and esteemed by all who are favored with his acquaintance.  Like other representative citizens of this vicinity, he is a Kentuckian by birth, born in Todd county, August 8, 1814.  Richard Mobley, his father, was born in Chester District, South Carolina, and by occupation was a farmer; when young he moved to Kentucky, but in after years on account of ill health he went to Texas, where he spent his latter days.  His (Richard's) wife was before her marriage Miss Mary Riggs.  Hazel P. was the eldest of this parents' 11 children.  Brought up in Kentucky, he there became imbued with certain traits of character which have never forsaken him.  In 1857 he moved to Vernon county and settled on a farm in Clear Creek township (he had been taught when young the rudiments of farming), where he devoted himself to agricultural pursuits for many years, or until his removal into Nevada in 1871.  He was one of the members of the grand jury that in May, 1859, indicted John Brown and his companions for their raid into this county the previous December.  For four years he held the office of justice of the peace and he was also judge of the county court for one term, a position which he filled with honor and distinction, proving himself well qualified to discharge his official duties.  Since settling at Nevada Judge Mobley has carried on a grocery business and has met with substantial success in this direction.  He was first married in 1836 to Miss Mary Jackson, of Tennessee, who died in January, 1884.  They had reared a family of nine children:  Lucy Emily, decease; Sarah E., now Mrs. Simon L. Morgan, of Clear Creek township; Mary N., widow of John Morrison; Amanda J., deceased; George W., in Clear Creek township; Ann L., deceased; Julia S., wife of John T. Lancaster, of Clear Creek township; Nancy A., deceased; and Ida J., at home.  On September 10, 1884, Judge M. was again married, Mrs. Joanna Britton becoming his wife.  She was born in Kentucky.  The Judge is a member of the Masonic fraternity.

[Transcribed by Marty Patton]


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