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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 476-477:

George H. Mobley

(Farmer, Stock-raiser and Bee-keeper, Post-office, Goodrick).

   If personal popularity is an indication of present success and future prosperity, then Mr. Mobley has no reason to be alarmed at his situation, for one would have to go a long distance before finding a man more deserving of such esteem as is given him.  He was born in Hickman county, Ky., September 5, 1845, and was the son of H. P. Mobley, a native of Chariton county, Mo., born in 1811.  His wife was formerly Miss Mary Jackson, a Kentuckian by birth, born in 1815, and their marriage occurred in Hickman county, that State, where also their children were all born save the youngest daughter.  The father gave his attention to agricultural pursuits in the Blue Grass State up to 1856 when he moved to Vernon county, Mo., and upon arriving he settled on the place now occupied by his son, George H., purchasing and entering at that time some 1,400 acres of land.  The children in his family were Lucy E., Sarah E., Mary N., Amanda J., George H., Annie L., Julia S., Nancy A. and Ida J.  George, the only son, was principally brought up in this county and his long residence here has contributed largely to his extensive acquaintance.  October 29, 1867, he was married to Miss Susan Logan, daughter of Israel Logan and Susan, nee Belcher, the former of Montgomery and the latter of Bates county, Mo.  Mrs. M. was born in this county September 23, 1848.  After this event Mr. Mobley resided in Nevada for several years, serving part of the time most acceptably as deputy sheriff under L. J. Shaw, and following that he was engaged in the grocery business 12 years, during the greater part of which period he resided on a farm north of town, now a part of the asylum tract.  After disposing of this place he returned to the old homestead in Clear Creek township, where he has since been occupied in conducting a most excellent farm of 775 acres, especially adapted for the raising of stock and bees, having superior water facilities, etc.  His success in life has been varied, though all will admit that he deserves his good fortune.  Mr. and Mrs. M. have six children:  Petrie L., born February 10, 1869; Kilpatrick D., born April 5, 1871; Respino, born February 18, 1873; Jenoa V. born August 12, 1875; Ida A., born April 22, 1877; and Eight-one who was born during the first hour of the new year, 1881, and so named.  Though now a People’s Party man, Mr. Mobley was formerly a Democrat.  He belongs to Advance Lodge No. 95, A. O. U. W. and Nevada Legion No. 41, S. K., both at Nevada, and also to the relief associations of these orders and is also member of the K. of P. at the same place.  Mr. M. was raised a Methodist, his parents all being of that faith, but he never united with that church, having his own views regarding religious matters; some of which are entirely different from those of the Methodist and other churches.  He does not believe that water baptism of any kind was commenced by the Savior, and does not esteem one day any better than another, except so far as the laws of the land make it so, neither does he believe that Christ ever respected or commanded any one to keep the Sabbath.  Though differing from the belief and practice of the churches, he is a strong believe (sic) in Christianity, and works hard for the elevation of enlightenment of mankind.  He is a strong friend of education and improvement.


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