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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 756-757:

John Miller

(Farmer, Post-office, Deerfield).

   Mr. Miller’s father, Jacob Miller, for a number of years a resident of this portion of the county, is so well remembered by his many former acquaintances that a brief outline of his life will be read with interest.  He was born in York county, Pa., in 1810, and was there reared to manhood, following in early life the trade of a wheelwright, with which he became familiar.  After leaving his native State he moved to Maryland and lived there about thirty years, coming thence to Vernon county, Mo., in April, 1870, where he at once entered actively upon an agricultural life, selecting a home and making all the improvements himself or under his own supervision.  Here he continued to reside until the time of his death, May 8, 1884; his loss was sincerely mourned by a large circle of friends, for he stood well as an upright, honest man.  The son, John, shares equally in the esteem accorded his father.  He was born in Maryland, but was principally brought up in this county, having accompanied the family here on the move above mentioned.  His entire life has been passed in close attention to the chosen channel of farming and kindred pursuits, and he now has the management of 800 acres of land, 400 of which are in the tract belonging to this [his] father’s estate; the balance is owned by him personally.  Mr. Miller’s mother was formerly Miranda Hamilton, of Maryland, her marriage to Mr. Jacob Miller occurring in February, 1840.  Besides John one other son was in the family, Jacob.

[Transcribed by Becky Siple]

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