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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 670-671:

Charles E. Miller

(Contractor and Builder, Nevada).

   For over five years, and since 1881 with the exception of nine months Mr. Miller has been engaged in his present business in this city, his occupation previous to that time having been that of a farmer, to which calling he was reared.  During his residence here he has proven himself a thorough, capable workman and has met with satisfactory success, adding to the experience gained daily a liberal amount of that rarer quality -- good common sense.  The nine months of above referred to covered a period when he served as superintendent of the poor farm, and in that position his affairs were also managed in a practical, careful manner.  By birth Mr. Miller is an Ohioan, having been born in Stark county December 31, 1845.  Samuel Miller, his father, was a manufacturer, a native of Pennsylvania, in which State his mother was also born.  Her maiden name was Susan Rice.  Of the five children of whom they were the parents Charles E. was the fourth.  He grew up in Ohio as a farmer, continuing that life until removing to Johnson county Mo, in 1866, where he remained until 1874.  There the same pursuit was followed for a number of years, but finally he returned to his old home.  Eighteen months after his face was again turned towards Missouri and this time he located in Vernon county, where as stated he has attended closely to contracting and building.  April 4, 1871, Mr. Miller was married to Miss Ella Craig, of Iowa, and five children have blessed this union:  Lillie A., Edwin L., Myron J., Henry and Gertrude.  Mr. M. belongs to the Masonic Order.  At this time he is one of the members of the city council.

[Transcribed by Marty Patton]

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