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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 590:

John H. Miers

(Farmer and Stock-raiser, Section 2, Post-office, Nevada).

   Mr. Miers, a little beyond the age of three score years, was born on the present site of Milwaukee, Wis., October 15, 1823, the eldest of three children who blessed the union of his parents, John and Margaret Miers, both of foreign nativity.  The former came originally from Switzerland, while the mother's birthplace was in France.  John H. continued to live in Wisconsin until eight years of age, when he accompanied his father to St. Charles county, Mo., where he was reared on a farm until 1854.  Previous to this time, it should have been stated, or in 1849, he took a trip to California, remaining there engaged in working in the mines until the spring of 1853, when he returned home, after obtaining satisfactory success while on the far-off coast of the Pacific.  His journey to California was made overland and consumed five months, but the return trip was by water to New Orleans.  After residing in St. Charles county some time after this, Mr. Miers came to Vernon county, and has since continued to make this his home.  He is the owner of a good farm, situated only a short distance from Nevada, embracing 280 acres, and this is being well managed.  A fact worthy of mention is that he was one of the first to enter land in this county, and consequently he may be accounted one of its pioneers.  During the war, in common with many other citizens, he suffered severely through depredations committed by unprincipled men, but from those losses he has long since fully recovered.  In 1854 Mr. M. married Miss Susan Vierlin, a native of Europe.  Seven children are in their family:  Maggie, now Mrs. Perry Camron, of Clay county, Mo.; James W., Alexander, John L., Benjamin F., George P. and Belle.

[Transcribed by Marty Patton]

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