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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 491-492:

Peter Meyer

(Farmer and Stock-raiser, Section 34, Post-office, Nevada).

   Since 1875 Mr. Meyer has been numbered among the well-known and representative agriculturists of Vernon county.  In 1870 he had purchased the excellent homestead upon which he now resides, although not removing to it until the time mentioned.  Two hundred acres are contained in this place, and in addition he is the owner of 160 acres in section 11 and 40 acres in section 7, all of which is well adapted to the various uses to which it is put.  In this case is seen another example of the thrift and energy of men of German nativity.  Mr. Meyer was born in Germany September 27, 1832, his parents being Valentine and Meyer, also native to that country.  The father was a carpenter by trade, and in 1840 he emigrated to America, locating at Albany, N. Y., where he lived and followed his chosen occupation until his death in 1881; his companion only survived him some two years, dying in 1883.  In their family were six children, three of whom are still living.  Peter, the eldest of these, was reared in the city of Albany, and obtained a good common school education.  When 21 years of age he was married to Miss Mary Williams, and the same year, in 1852, leaving his young wife in the care of her father, he took a trip to California, going by way of the Isthmus of Panama and occupying 27 days in the voyage.  His career for a short period was destined to be one of trials and hardships as well as peril.  For two and a half years he labored in the milling districts of the coast, reaping fair results, and while en route to his old home the vessel on which he had taken passage was stranded on a rock; by means of a small boat Mr. Meyer succeeded in reaching the shore and there he remained three days and four nights, subsisting as best he could on two or three potatoes a day. Finally he reached Albany and subsequently devoted himself to his chosen calling of a stove moulder for two years.  He afterwards lived at different places, and upon settling in LaPorte county, Ind., engaged in farming and the produce business.  In 1873 he located at Chicago and carried on a commission business until the time of his corning to Nevada in 1875, as intimated.  Soon after he moved upon the farm which he now so well conducts.  Mr. and Mrs. Meyer have had six children, four of whom are living:  Katherine, Peter and George, at home, and Charles, a married man and now clerking in the railroad. business.  Politically Mr. M. is a Democrat.



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