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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 889:

Dr. Wesley Melick

(Physician and Farmer, Section 24, Post-office Little Osage).

   As a physician only less than as an agriculturist Dr. Melick has shown himself eminently worthy of the confidence and trust reposed in him by all classes, and has proven himself to be a physician of decided merit, and a man thoroughly conversant with the details of farm life.  He came originally from Pennsylvania, Columbia county, where he was born November 13, 1831, the son of Samuel and Sarah (Brown) Melick.  Five children, three of whom were boys, were born of their marriage.  Mrs. Melick died in 1859, and her husband subsequently married Miss Lavina Mostetter.  He is still living at the remarkable age of 95 years and during life has followed farming.  One of his sons is a merchant in Philadelphia, Pa., and another is a mechanic in St. Louis, Mo.  Wesley was favored with good school privileges during his youth and to his primary course of instruction he added an attendance at Carlisle College, of Pennsylvania, from which he graduated at the age of 22.  Upon deciding to follow the medical profession as his calling in life he commenced the study of medicine under Dr. Smith, of Lightstreet, Pa., subsequently attended the University of Pennsylvania, and received his medical diploma in 1856.  In 1857 this young physician located in Vernon county, Mo., and at once entered upon a career which has been successful and meritorious.  In June, 1859, he was married to Miss Mary A. B. Dodge, daughter of Dr. Leonard and Mary B. (Choate) Dodge, originally from Vermont, and early settlers of this western country, their marriage having occurred in 1835 at Osage Mission, in Kansas.  The former was sent as a missionary to that station in 1821 under the auspices of the Congregational Church; he died in 1864, having during early life taken part in many Indian wars, and in later years he practiced medicine quite extensively, and indeed from the time of his marriage.  His wife came West as a teacher in 1833 and followed that calling some years.  Mrs. Melick relates many incidents pertaining to the settlement of this county which have been referred to at length in another portion of our work and need not be repeated here.  Suffice it to say that she was a brave participant in all the struggles and trials of pioneer life.  In 1862 Dr. Melick enlisted for service in the army and for two years served as assistant surgeon until his promotion to be surgeon of the 6th Kansas cavalry.  The regiment to which he belongs took part in many severe engagements, among others those of Newtonia, Ft. Wayne, Cane Hill, Prairie River and Camden, besides some equally as severe in their results, and finally he was mustered out at Ft. Leavenworth, Kas.  After the war he purchased 80 acres of land of his wife's uncle, Thomas S. Dodge, and to this has made numerous and extensive additions until at this time he is a large land owner, having 1,000 acres comprising a most valuable tract, a portion of it lying on the Little Osage river, and of course well watered.  His homestead is a neat and commodious place, with superior surroundings, and is situated three and a half miles from the railroad.  The proposed St. Louis, Kansas City & Colorado Railroad survey runs the entire length of his farm and when built this will add still more to its value.  Dr. and Mrs. Melick have had nine children:  Anna B., born August 29, 1860; Leonard D., born October 8, 1862,  died September 9, 1866; Victor Hugo, born June 18, 1867; Prince Albert, born October 15, 1869; Ida Gertrude, born December 22, 1871, died September 1, 1878; Laila, born May 24, 1874; Eunice, born October 25, 1876, died December 23, 1876; Effie Philena, born February 23, 1878, and Beulah, born September 22, 1881.  Both Dr. Melick and his wife are members of the Presbyterian Church.  They are well known all over the county and are held in high esteem by those who are favored with their acquaintance. 


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