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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 835:

Abraham Meadows

(Farmer, Section 6, Post-office, Nevada).

   Among the early settlers of Missouri, away back in the beginning of the present century, was Jeremiah Meadows, the father of the subject of this sketch, a man well fitted to pass through the pioneer settlement of a new country.  A Virginian by birth, he left that State about the time mentioned and became located in what is now Boone county, Mo., where he was actively engaged in securing for himself and family a new home in that then wilderness.  His wife, formerly Miss Sarah E. Wilson, was also a native of the Old Dominion, and she became the mother of nine children, of whom Abraham was the eldest.  He is therefore a native Missourian, born in Cole county, May 22, 1833.  He was reared in that locality, learning as he grew up many of the details of agricultural life, and to this occupation he has always given his attention.  As a result he is thoroughly posted in his present business, bringing to a knowledge of it an experience of invaluable benefit, and after all experience is the best teacher.  In 1867 Mr. Meadows became located in this county, and here his home has continued to be, his attention having been directed to the improvement and cultivation of his good farm of 163 acres.  In 1853 he was united in marriage with Miss Josephine H. Jones, originally from Tennessee, and to them nine children have been given: Delilah, wife of William H. Mayfield; Mary L., Ida B., Henry J., James M., William L., Josephine H., Emmaphine H. and Myrtie Lena, twins.  Mr. Meadows for 30 years has been an earnest, consistent member of the Baptist Church, warmly supporting the doctrines of that denomination, and endeavoring as best he has known how to live up to them.  At this time he is a deacon in the church and very active in matters belonging to that body.  His wife, two daughters and one son are also connected with the organization.  Honest, upright and honorable to the letter, Mr. Meadows is by no means unsuccessful in his efforts in every-day life.

[Transcribed by Becky Siple]

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