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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 833-834:

Jerry V. McGrew

(Dealer in Shelf Hardware, Tinware, Stoves, Etc., Sheldon).

   Mr. McGrew is well known to the people of this portion of the county as one of Sheldon’s leading business men and substantial citizens.  In point of residence he is among the oldest business men in the place, and has continuously remained here since opening out his present establishment in 1881.  Previous to that time he had been actively and successfully engaged in farming, but wishing to gratify a long felt inclination to enter upon a mercantile career, he discontinued that calling and entered into merchandising, his present business being the one which he then started.  Since then his experience has proven the wisdom of the choice he then made, for now he enjoys a lucrative trade, and is accounted one of the established merchants of Sheldon, commanding the confidence of all who know him.  Mr. McGrew was born in Ralls county, Mo., March 10, 1848, the eleventh of thirteen children who blessed the union of his parents, Joseph and Elizabeth (Conn) McGrew, both Kentuckians by birth.  The father was a farmer by occupation, and a success in that calling, and brought up the boys in his family to become well posted in its various details.  Jerry was reared in his native county as an agriculturist, and devoted his entire time to it until coming to this county in 1881, as stated above.  In March, 1884, Miss M. W. Lear, of Pike county, Mo., became his wife, and they now have two children: Onora and Georgie May.  Mr. McGrew is a charter member of Sheldon Lodge No. 371, A. F. and A. M., in which he is now W. M.  He also belongs to the A. O. U. W., and is its present M. W.  In religious preferences he is a Baptist, and belongs to that church, taking a warm and active interest in matters pertaining to that organization.

[Transcribed by Becky Siple]

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