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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 446:

W. F. McDaniel

(Farmer and Stock-raiser, Section 22, Post-office, Nevada).

   Among those whose devotion to the stock industry has proved of material advantage to Vernon county, may properly be mentioned W. F. McDaniel, originally from the Buckeye State, who brought with him to this locality a knowledge gained by extensive experience in this calling which many others might well envy.  His birth occurred in Adams county, O., in 1838, the youngest of three children of his parents, William and Hannah McDaniel.  The former died in 1838 and subsequently his widow married again, bearing her second husband six children.  Only three of these nine children are now living.  William McDaniel was a farmer by calling and quite successful in his efforts.  The stepfather of W. F. gave his attention to tanning together with farming.  Young McDaniel passed his youth and early manhood in the vicinity of his birthplace, attending the common schools, where he received a good, practical education.  October 24, 1865, he was united in marriage with Miss Louisa A. McGovney, and this union has been blessed with seven children, three of whom are deceased; those living still remain at home and enjoy the comforts and pleasures of life which the industry and efforts of their father have provided for them.  In March, 1876, Mr. McDaniel removed to Missouri and took up his abode at his present place of residence,--a homestead which he had purchased some four years after the close of the war, at a time when all this portion of the country seemed a wilderness.  This place is now well improved and under good cultivation.  His various classes of stock deserve special mention; his Short-horn cattle and Poland-China hogs have proved a lucrative investment and in the raising of stock he has the advantage of some of the finest land to be found hereabouts.  His place is the north ½ of section 22.  Mr. McDaniel was a participant in the late Civil War, having enlisted as private in Co. G, 70th Ohio volunteers, commanded by Col. Crockrell.  He took part in the battle of Shiloh, the Corinth campaign, siege of Vicksburg, from whence he went to Jackson and then to Mission Ridge; after wintering in Scottsboro, Ala., he was in the Atlanta campaign in the spring of 1864, and in October following he was discharged as captain of his company.  Mr. McDaniel is a Mason, and in his political tendencies is a Democrat.  He belongs to the Presbyterian Church.  He seems to take a personal interest in advancing every movement for the promotion of his county and township, never losing sight of the good he may be able to do his fellow-man.



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