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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 663-664:

Dr. James M. McAdams

(Physician and Surgeon, Nevada).

   Dr. James M. McAdams, a physician of over 15 years' standing and a surgeon of established reputation, is not unknown to the many readers of the present volume.  A native of Barren county, Ky., born December 6, 1832, he is descended from a worthy Kentucky family, his parents, James and Dicy (Carter) McAdams, having been born in the Blue Grass State.  The father, who died while his son was yet an infant, followed the trade of a brick mason and was also a shoemaker; his wife died December 5 1866, leaving four children, of whom James M. was the third child.  After reaching manhood and obtaining a liberal education he made choice of medicine as his professional calling for the future, and read with Dr. Duncan as his preceptor until prepared to attend medical lectures, his course as a student at the Miami Medical College, of Miami, Ohio, ending with his graduation in the class of 1871.  Previous to this, however, after his first course of lectures and before his second course, he had practiced in Tennessee, thus securing for himself practical experience as well as theoretical learning.  After his graduation Dr. McAdams came to Vernon county, Mo., and from that time to the present all his energies have been put forth in the prosecution of his professional labors.  Some idea may be formed of the results which have attended his efforts when the fact is stated that he came here without means, though at the present he is in possession of a comfortable competency.  His position as a physician and surgeon is of recognized merit and at all times he keeps apace with the progress of his science.  Mr. McAdams has been twice married and has one daughter by his first wife, Nancy J., now Mrs. Smith Kinslow, of Kentucky.  In 1869, he was married to Miss Josephine Mabry, who has borne him one child, Robert J.  The Doctor is a Mason and belongs to the Chapter of that Order.

[Transcribed by Marty Patton]

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