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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 667-668:

John Martin

(Agent of the Pacific Express Company, Nevada).

   There is no one mentioned within the present volume so young in years and yet whose business life is of such activity as that of Mr. Martin, the popular agent of the Pacific Express Company at this place.  Only 25 years of age, his wisdom and judgment in business matters would do credit to those older in years and experience.  He was born in Bourbon county, Ky., March 10, 1862, his parents, R. Newton and Sallie Martin, née Bedford, also being Kentuckians by birth.  The former was a merchant by occupation, to which calling John (who was the eldest of five children) was brought up.  Besides attending to his mercantile duties he also studied medicine.  In 1877 he came West and in 1883 located at Nevada, taking charge of the affairs of the Pacific Express Company here, a position which he has since proven himself well qualified to fill.  During his three years' residence at this place he has been active in matters pertaining to the city's best interest, and at one time was large stockholder in the water company.  He is now considered one of the prime movers in the electric light movement, which is destined to supply Nevada's demand for night illumination.  December 12, 1881, Mr. Martin was married to Miss Lou V. Eib, who was born at Joliet, Ill.  They have two children, John and Runcie.  Mr. M. is a member of the K. of P.

[Transcribed by Marty Patton]

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