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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 736-737

Wilbur F. Maring

(Cashier of the Schell City Ban).

   On another page of the present volume mention has been made of the father of the subject of this sketch—John Maring, whose connection with the agricultural affairs of the county, and his career as a citizen and neighbor, entitle him to honorable mention.  As will be seen at the proper place, he was a native of the Buckeye State, while his wife, whose maiden name was Miss Elizabeth Glover, came originally from Pennsylvania.  In their family were five children, and of that number Wilbur F., the eldest, is here briefly referred to.  Mr. John Maring now resides in Walker township, where he is actively and successfully engaged in farming; he has been a citizen of the county since about 1869.  Wilbur F. was born in Richland county, O., February 13, 1680.  He remained in the vicinity of his birthplace until six years of age, then accompanying his parents on their move westward and settling in Pettis county, Mo.  In 1869 he came to Vernon county and here passed his time upon a farm until 17 years of age, when he commenced a mercantile experience at Schell City.  He continued to be thus occupied until entering the bank as clerk in 1882, and in 1883 he was elected cashier.  Though perhaps the youngest bank cashier in the county, and, indeed, in this portion of the State, it is but the truth to say that Mr. Maring is well fitted for the position which he occupies.  Careful, painstaking and of excellent business qualifications, he has obtained to an unlimited degree the confidence of all, and has gained a substantial reputation as a successful financier.  November 3, 1881, he was married to Miss Ida Trout, of Illinois, and one child has blessed this union, Lula.  Mr. M. Belongs to the M. E. Church, and is also a member of the I. O. O. F., having been elected representative to the Grand Lodge in 1885.

[Transcribed by Becky Siple]

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