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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 667:

Chester P. Maltby

(City Collector and Real Estate, Loan and Insurance Agent, Nevada).

   As one among other active business men of Nevada Mr. Maltby is not to be overlooked; at the same time he may be regarded prominent in an official as well as business capacity, for he is the present incumbent of the office of city collector, a position into which he has recently entered for the second time.  Mr. Maltby was born in Logan county, Ill., December 20, 1859.  He was the son of James Maltby, also of that State, who during the war enlisted in the Federal army and died while at Jackson, Tenn., from disease contracted while in the service.  His widow, Mrs. Sarah Maltby, was formerly a Miss Preston, of Illinois.  Three children were in the family given them, of whom Chester was the second son and child.  Up to the age of 10 years he lived in his native State, but since the year 1869 he has been a resident of Nevada, where he has been occupied with different interests.  In 1884 he was elected city collector -- a position in which he so conducted himself as to gain a re-election in 1886.  His official duties are now being discharged with care and precision, aside from which he finds time to attend to his real estate, loan and insurance interests.  As one of the younger men of Nevada Mr. Maltby is well and favorably known.  His wife was formerly Miss Eva Fowkes, of Paris, Monroe county, Mo.  Mr. M. is a member of the Knights of Pythias.

[Transcribed by Marty Patton]

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