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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 402

Thomas H. Lyons

(Farmer and Stock-raiser, Section 4, Post-office, Arthur).

   There is perhaps no man within the limits of Osage township more deserving of success than Thomas H. Lyons, for his entire career while devoid of any unusual display or ostentation has been one of ceaseless energy, perseverance and strict adherence to his chosen calling.  A resident of Vernon county since 1881, he has come to be favorably known throughout this community as an agriculturist of advanced and progressive tendencies and ideas.  Mr. Lyons was born in Lewis county, Ky., Jun 6, 1827, and was the son of William Lyons, a native of Vermont.  He was a millwright by trade and after traveling over a large part of the Union finally located in Kentucky, where he married Miss Sarah E. Hampton, of that State.  Removing to Champaign county, Ill., in 1851, he was engaged in agricultural pursuits there until death in 1867, his wife having preceded him to the grave in 1853.  Seven of their eight children are now living.  Mr. Lyons was old line Whig until the election of 1860, when he voted for Lincoln.  The subject of this sketch became accustomed to hard work upon the home farm, his educational facilities being limited to the inferior schools of the neighborhood.  In 1863 he married Miss Ruth Bentley, daughter of Nelson Bentley of Ohio, who has borne him three children: Luther, who married Miss Bertha Frakes, and assists in the management of the home place; Mira E. now Mrs. Charles Vance, of Emporia, Kas.; and Wallace.  Mr. Lyons owns a large and well improved farm of 480 acres which, owing to his successful management and industry, is netting him substantial returns on the labor expended.  Politically he is a stanch Republican, and he is also a strong advocate of temperance.


Thomas Hampton Lyons


Leaves have their

time to fall

and flowers to

wither at the north

winds breath.





Jan. 8, 1887


59 Y’s, 7 M’s,

2 D’s.


Riverside Cemetery

Champaign County, Illinois



Mrs. Ruth A. Lyons, Aged Mother of N. W. Ballfinch Dies Tuesday Morning from Effects of a Fractured Hip.

     At an early hour Tuesday morning Mrs. Ruth A. Lyons died at her home from the effects of a fractured hip which accident occurred about two weeks ago.  At first it was feared she was too much advanced in years to stand the shock to her system which the injury caused, but her energy and vitality led her near relatives to hope for her recovery.  She had the best of care and attention but the pain was so intense that she could not withstand the shock and passed to rest as above stated.

     The funeral was held from her late residence, Wednesday morning at nine o'clock, conducted by Rev. J. H. Cleaves of the M. E. Church South, after which the remains were shipped to Mahomet, Illinois for burial, and was accompanied by her sons, N. W. Ballfinch and Wallace Lyons.

     The deceased was born in Ohio, on July 2, 1836.  She moved to Illinois and made her home at Mahomet, Champaign county until about 1880 when she came to Missouri and located in the vicinity of Rich Hill.  Her second husband died about 25 years ago.

     She was the mother of two families of children and survived by the following:  N. W. Ballfinch, Luther Lyons, Mrs. Myra Kithcart and Wallace Lyons, besides several grandchildren.

     Mrs. Lyons was a woman of rare business ability and held considerable property and interests in Rich Hill and vicinity which has done well under her good management.

The Western Enterprise, Rich Hill, MO.

Friday, June 5, 1914, front page.


(An obituary was also published in the June 3, 1914 Rich Hill Mining Review, Rich Hill, MO.)


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