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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 736:

Dr. I. N. Lunsford

(Physician and Surgeon, Schell City).

   In any calling in life no one can hope to secure a sound reputation, with substantial success, without merit, a truth that holds good in professional as well as mercantile circles.  That Dr. Lunsford has made himself successful in the practice of his profession these years of constant, active devotion to his adopted calling amply testify.  He is a native of Indiana, of Greencastle, Putnam county, where his birth occurred June 4, 1849, his father, Alfred Lunsford, being a Kentuckian by birth.  He was for a long time a farmer in that State, and when a young man married Miss Sarah A. Denney, subsequently removing from Indiana, where he had also lived, to Davis county, Ia., his family accompanying him.  Young Lunsford was principally reared in the latter State, first at farming and then in the mercantile business, but not finding these duties congenial to his tastes he turned towards medicine and made choice of it as the calling to which he would afterwards devote his attention.  Pursuing a regular course of study under Dr. D. N. Dooley as preceptor, he afterwards attended the lectures at the Keokuk Medical College, Kiokuk, Ia., commencing the practice of his profession at Savannah, Ia., in 1878.  After some time there and a year’s residence in Glenwood, Schuyler county, Mo., he came to Vernon county in 1882, settling at Schell City, where his subsequent career has been one highly complimentary to his ability and standing as a physician, while personally his cheerful presence has made him a welcome visitor to the sick room.  Dr. Lunsford’s first wife, Miss Martha York, of Iowa, whom he married in 1870, died in 1875, leaving one child, Isaac M., who died at the age of four years.  In January, 1885, Miss Myra M. Robinson, who was born in Illinois, but reared in this county, became his wife, and to them one son has been given, Bruce.  The Doctor is associated with the A. F. and A. M.

[Transcribed by Becky Siple]

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