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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 474:

William M. Lowe

(Farmer and Stock-raiser).

   Perhaps no name within the limits of Vernon county is entitled to more honorable mention in this volume than that of William M. Lowe, a man whose life has been one of wide and varied experience, and whose connection with the affairs of this community has been of lasting benefit.  Like other residents of the county, he came originally from Kentucky, having been born near Crab Orchard, Lincoln county, August 20, 1821.  His paternal grandfather, Jesse Lowe, was one of the famous nine who with Boone so successfully resisted the Indians in their attack on the fort at Crab Orchard in pioneer times.  He (Jesse) was a Virginian by birth, and when young married Miss Susan Sablett, of the same State, soon thereafter moving to Kentucky, where they reared 10 sons and four daughters to mature years.  Thomas Lowe, William’s father, was the fifth son, his birth also occurring in the Blue Grass State.  He was possessed of many accomplishments and in early life taught school, and during the War of 1812 he took part in the battle of New Orleans under Gen. Jackson, receiving a severe wound in that struggle, after which he returned home on foot.  He was a man of strong physical character and warm Southern hospitality and kindness of heart; he died in 1825, and in 1833 his widow (whose maiden name was Margaret Dudgeon), with her family, came to Vernon county, where she died in 1871.  Of her four sons William M. is the only one now living.  He passed his early youth and manhood upon a farm, and when about nineteen years old spent some time on a cotton plantation in Texas, later on becoming a Texas Ranger under Capt. Jack Hayes, with whom he remained until the close of the Mexican War; during that struggle he served under Gens. Taylor and John E. Wool, and participated in the battles of Brownsville, Camaryo, Monterey, Buena Vista, and many others.  After the war closed he was in the Indian service a short time, and in 1849, with a number of others, he went from Texas to California, remaining in that State for nine years; three and a half years were spent in teaming, and during the remainder of the period he served as sheriff of Trinity county, capturing during his official career the notorious robber and highwayman, Walker.  His experience while in that Western country was such as falls to the lot of but few persons in this day, and many incidents of thrilling interest might be narrated if space but permitted.  In the fall of 1857 Mr. Lowe returned to Vernon county, Mo., and in 1861 entered the Confederate army under Gen. Price, serving in the Trans-Mississippi department until the close of the war, when he surrendered at Shreveport, having held a captain’s commission throughout the entire period; and he was the only man allowed to return home with his command in possession of their arms and horses.  Capt. Lowe now turned his attention to stock raising in connection with agricultural pursuits, and up to the present has adhered closely to these occupations.  His well improved place contains 320 acres, and is well adapted for the purposes of a general stock farm, a specialty of his being the raising, feeding and shipping of stock.  For nine years after the war he owned and conducted a saw and grist mill on Clear creek.  January 13, 1859, the Captain was married to Miss Barbara C. Williams, who was born near Fulton, Mo., March 6, 1837.  They have had nine children:  George M., Inez, Emily J., Fannie, Kizzie, Kate H., Nora, Thomas H. and Nellie.  Capt. Lowe is a Democrat in his political views.  He belongs to the Masonic order and is a member of O’Sullivan Commandery No. 16, of Nevada, and while in California he was an officer in both the Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter.  In every way he is accounted one of the most esteemed and worthy citizens of the county, and his force of character and sincere hospitable and social relations are as extensive as his acquaintance. 


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