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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 507-508:

Richard E. Logsdon

(Farmer and Overseer of Poor Farm, Section 18, Post-office, Walker).

   The family of which the subject of this sketch is a representative are of English origin, one of the ancestors having been Joseph Logsdon, and during the administration of Lord Baltimore some of his descendants came to America, and subsequently took part in the early colonial wars and the Revolutionary War.  After this the family became scattered, many of its members settling in the Southern States, while one located at an early day in Kentucky.  The majority of them adhered to the religious belief of the Calverts.  That branch to which Richard E. belongs always resided in Maryland, and for the most part were engaged in agricultural pursuits.  His grandfather, Edward Logsdon, a shoemaker and saddler by occupation, was a soldier in the War of 1812.  His parents, Joseph and Margaret (White) Logsdon, were both natives of Maryland, where they reared their family of four children, Richard being the youngest.  The father is still living in Johnson county, Mo., but the mother died in 1865, the year of the family’s arrival in Missouri.  Mr. Logsdon during this lifetime has held numerous positions of honor and trust.  Richard E., the only son in the family of his parents, was born in what is now Garrett county, Md., December 1, 1849, and very naturally grew up with a knowledge of farm life, his father having always given his attention to that industry.  His education was such as the common schools afforded, and when some sixteen years of age, or in 1865, he came with the others to Missouri, but in 1866, left home and went to Illinois, where he was engaged in working upon a farm for about three years.  After returning to Missouri, and farming the home place two years, Mr. Logsdon was married to Miss Eliza J. Robinett, January 12, 1870, her birth having occurred in Alleghany county, Md., July 23, 1849.  By this union there have been seven children:  Elizabeth O., Joseph A., James E., Amy A., David C., Dora M. and an infant now deceased.  The same year of his marriage Mr. L. came to this county, locating in Montevallo township, and since that time, save for a three years’ residence in Johnson county, he has been located in this county, occupied actively in farming and stock-raising.  He owns eighty acres of land in Virgil township.  In the spring of 1885, he was appointed overseer of the county poor farm and has acted as such to the material benefit of the county, for during his supervision, the expenses of the farm have been lessened quite considerably, and he is proving himself a worthy and efficient manager.  The prospects for the future are brighter than ever before and the institution now bids fair to become self-sustaining.  Mr. L. is a Democrat in political belief.  He belongs to the I.O.O.F.


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