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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 661-662:

Hayden W. Linn

(Of the Citizens' Banks, Nevada).

   Mr. Linn was born in North Carolina, September 26, 1832, and is a son of John and Nancy (DePoyster) Linn, the former of whom was a native of North Carolina, and the latter of South Carolina.  John Linn became such an early settler in what now constitutes a portion of Vernon county that brief mention of him, at least, ought to be made in this connection.  His birth occurred in 1792, and until reaching the age of maturity he grew up in his native State, following as the majority of other farmers' boys the pursuits of agricultural labor.  Subsequently he removed to Kentucky, form whence he came to Missouri some years afterwards, settling in what was then known as Bates county in 1848.  This continued to be his home until his death, February 11, 1874, at the advanced age of over 80 years.  His wife survived him until 1878 when she, too, passed away, having borne a family of six children:  James M., William, John, Elizabeth, who married James Mayfield, of Cooper county; Isabella, wife of James McKill, and Hayden W.  During his residence here Mr. John Linn devoted himself to his chosen life of a farmer, his location being in Coal township on a farm now owned by the subject of this sketch.  He is well remembered by the earlier settlers of the county, for he took not an unimportant part in its development and growth from a pioneer day.  Hayden was but a boy when the family came to Missouri, and here he was reared to manhood, his peaceful occupation of everyday life finally being interrupted by the outburst of impending war troubles.  Early in the commencement of the strife, on May 15, 1861, he enlisted as a member of the State Guard, in the 3d Missouri cavalry, of Marmaduke's brigade, afterwards taking part in the battles of Carthage, Wilson's Creek and Drywood, on the raid to Cape Girardeau, before Little Rock, etc.; with others he fought Steele from Little Rock to Camden, participating in the engagements of Poison Spring, Saline River and in the battles of Price's raid up to the time of the surrender at Shreveport.  Finally he went to Texas and rejoined his family, the peace and harmony of his own fireside forming a striking contrast to the four years of internecine strife through which he had but just passed.  In 1866, returning to Vernon county, Mo., without a dollar, Mr. Linn commenced at once to regain something of the position, at least, which he had occupied before the war.  Resuming farming he continued it until 1874, when he was elected county recorder, a position the duties of which he ably discharged for eight years.  For a short time after this he was occupied in mercantile pursuits, then gave his attention to feeding cattle in connection with farming, and finally entered the bank with which he is now connected.  In 1886 he was elected assistant cashier, and is at this date its acting vice-president, Judge D. P. Stratton being president.  This bank is one of the sound financial institutions of Southwest Missouri, its officers being men of undoubted worth, and the manner in which its affairs are conducted meets the approval of all, as well as resulting in substantial gain.  Reference has been made elsewhere of the standing and repute of this bank.  In June, 1856, Mr. Linn was married to Miss Bettie Harrison, of Morgan county, Mo, daughter of Samuel C. and Mary Harrison née Powell, the former of Tennessee and the latter of Virginia nativity.  Mr. and Mrs. L. have six children living:  Albia W., Charles P., Mary, John, Maria and Marvin.  One daughter, Maud, died in 1875.  Mr. Linn belongs to the A. F. and A. M., in which he is a Knight.  He is the owner of 460 acres of farming land in this county.  With truth it can be said that personally he is held in the highest esteem by those who are favored with his acquaintance, while his standing as a business man and financier is above criticism.

[Transcribed by Marty Patton]

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