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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 556:

Edwin T. Letton

(Farmer and Raiser of Thoroughbred Short-horn Cattle, Section 17, Post-office, Walker).

   To a person who first comes into Vernon county, the stock interests of the community are early mentioned as a prominent source of her wealth; and there is one man within the limits of Blue Mound township whose name is most favorably known in connection with its cattle industry.  The proprietor of what is conceded to be one of the very best farms hereabouts -- which it might  be added, he thoroughly understands how to manage -- he is actively and successfully engaged in the raising of thoroughbred Short-horns, and has done much in recent years for the promotion and improvement of the grades of cattle handled by the various agriculturists throughout the county.  His fine herd of thoroughbreds is headed by a superior male animal, for which $650 was paid while it was still a calf.  Mr. Letton's homestead possesses splendid surroundings, his commodious residence and other improvements indicating him to be a man of taste as well as of good business ability.  Born in Bourbon county, Ky., December 11, 1850, he was the son of Lemuel P. and Catherine Letton, formerly Couchman, both also natives of that same locality.  The former, a farmer by calling, after leaving Bourbon county, moved to Johnson county, Mo., in 1870, remaining there about eight years; after living in Bates county some time he became located in Barton county, where he now resides occupied in agricultural pursuits -- one of the leading, influential citizens of that county.  Politically he is a Democrat.  Edwin T., the eldest of seven children, naturally grew up as a farmer, receiving limited school advantages.  In 1878, he came to Vernon county, and in 1880 purchased the J. D. Armstrong farm, which he now occupies.  In 1873 he married Miss Lizzie Henderson, daughter of an old and respected settler of Johnson county, Mo., who has borne him two children, Hedrick and Ruth.  Both Mr. and Mrs. L. are influential, earnest members of the Christian Church.  In politics he is thoroughly Democrat, though by no means radical in his belief.  A visit to his home is well worth the time and interest of any person.

[Transcribed by Marty Patton]

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