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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 735:

Levi Lefler

(Farmer and Stock-raiser, Section 34, Post-office, Schell City).

   The subject of this sketch, one of the largest landholders in Bacon township and among the truly representative citizens of this portion of the county, was born in Montgomery county, N. Y., June 17, 1844.  His parents, Martin and Eliza (Shultz) Lefler, were also natives of the Empire State, and they reared a family of nine children, of whom Levi was the second son and child.  Passing his early youth in the vicinity of his birthplace in attendance principally at the common schools of the neighborhood, he left home when 11 years of age and drove an ox team across the plains to California.  Before reaching the age of 13 he had crossed the plains three times on foot, thus passing through experiences sufficiently severe even for one accustomed to such a life.  At this early age he went to Albany, N. Y., and commenced selling goods on the road as a traveling salesman some time after, later going to New York city where he was engaged in a like capacity.  Following this he became an extensive manufacturer of gloves which he sold on the road, and while traveling in the interests of this house visited every State in the Union, and every city of over 2,000 inhabitants, excepting those of North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Georgia and Florida.  Finally Mr. Lefler closed out his manufacturing interests and for some five years thereafter devoted himself to the conduct of a sheep ranch in New Mexico, which was also disposed of at a good advantage.  Following this he gave his attention to various enterprises until 1882, when he purchased his present farm of over 1,000 acres, which is being devoted to grass and stock.  This tract is unexcelled for general farming and stock raising purposes and is cared for in a manner which could not fail of resulting satisfactorily.  Added to the wide and extended observations enjoyed by Mr. Lefler in his travels is the experience which he has gained by years of contact with people, and their customs and habits, and these characteristics have entered into his conduct of this large farm.  Careful in regard to watching closely the details of his business, he is also systematic in knowing exactly the amount of receipts and expenditures of his operations.  He is acknowledged to be one of the county’s progressive and enterprising men, a fact borne out by the sound common sense which he always exercises in his transactions.

[Transcribed by Becky Siple]

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