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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 658:

Henry Knight Kuhn

(Proprietor of the City Meat Market, Nevada).

   Since September, 1871, Mr. Kuhn has been engaged in the business which now receives his attention, and as the proprietor of the old reliable "City Meat Market," he is known to all citizens of Nevada.  His market is the best in the city and is fully supplied at all time with fresh and salt meats, fish, game and poultry in season, and on account of the accommodating manner in which customers are treated Mr. Kuhn enjoys a good trade.  He was born in Manchester, Va., June 1, 1847, the son of Andrew J. and Mary A. (Roberts) Kuhn.  The former was also a Virginian by birth and by occupation a banker.  The latter came originally from Warwick, on the James river.  Henry K. was the third son in their family of six children, and as he passed his youth in Virginia he was reared to a clerical experience.  Going to St. Louis, Mo., in 1866, he made his home there for several years, or until coming to Vernon county, as already stated, since which time he has been numbered among its citizens.  February 19, 1873, Mr. Kuhn was married to Miss Glendy Burke Clarke, who was born in Manchester, Va.  Three children have been born to them:  Esther C., Glendy I. and Helen V.  Two are deceased besides these.  Mr. K. belongs to the K. of P. and is a Knight Templar in the Masonic Order.  He is an active and consistent member of the Presbyterian Church.  Personally Mr. Kuhn is above reproach.  He is  a man of sterling integrity, positive in his convictions, and nothing can swerve him from what he believes and knows to be right.

[Transcribed by Marty Patton]

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