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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 490-491:

Henry Knau

(Farmer and Stock-raiser, Section 26, Post-office, Nevada).

   That the old but so often abused expression, "blood will tell," carries with it no inconsiderable truth all must admit; but that only those who can boast of favor or prestige will succeed in life has been proven by many cases to be entirely without foundation.  One of the most striking examples of the possibility of a rise from a position of penury to one of affluence is seen in the career of this respected and influential citizen of Washington township.  He is of foreign birth and parentage, having been born in Germany October 16, 1836, the son of John and Elizabeth (Barter) Knau, of the same country.  The life of the former was one of exceptional brilliancy and is worthy of especial mention at this place.  He was a farmer and stock-raiser and dealt largely in sheep, accumulating in his occupation a large competency.  But he was an active worker and supporter of the People's Party during revolutionary times, and in the War of 1846, through vicissitudes and the confiscation of his property, he suffered heavily, though subsequently fortunate enough to recover some of his means.  He is now engaged in agricultural pursuits and is living in ease and comfort, his wife being with him.  Of their two boys and two girls John cultivates the home place; Elizabeth died a year after her marriage; Catherine is the wife of Peter Kern, of Colorado, and Henry is the subject of this sketch.  He was brought up on a farm and though but a boy when his native country was so disturbed was several times arrested on account of his ardent demonstrations against the royal power, his release being effected by friends.  When 16 years of age he came to America and immediately after his arrival obtained the position of foreman of a large garden and produce farm in Columbia county, N. Y., where he remained for two and a half years.  He then accepted a more lucrative situation as superintendent of DeWitt Bros.' country site near New York city, and though very young to occupy such a responsible place discharged his duties most efficiently, his salary reaching $1,000 annually, out of which he saved considerable.  Here he married, Miss Gertrude Williams, of Germany, becoming his wife . Following this Mr. Knau invested his earnings in town lots at Mt. Vernon, N. Y , from which he realized handsome profits, and soon after he moved to Ogle county, Ill., and bought a farm of 160 acres, which he rented until 1872 and then sold.  The payment of security debts proved unfortunate for him, but later dealings partially made up for this loss and upon removing to this county he had some $1,500 in cash.  He was first employed by Peter Meyer to improve the farm now occupied by the latter , and in six years purchased the place on which he himself resides at this time, the original tract numbering but 160 acres, to which additions have since been made until it contains 280 acres, and besides this he has other possessions of no little value.  This brief outline will indicate something of the energy and intelligence which Mr. Knau has.  He belongs to the A. O. U. W., and politically is a Democrat, and in every way a worthy citizen, Himself and wife have the following children:  Ida G., wife of Wm. S. Hawk­ins, of this township; William Henry, now in California; Emma E., wife of J. C. Kaufman, of Yates Center, Kas.; Fred. G., Frank B. and Lillian D., at home.  Mr. Knau is without exception one of the very best of the leading farmers of Vernon county. 


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