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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 733-734:

Ira I. Kirker

(Farmer and Stock-raiser, Section 1, Post-office, Schell City).

   The following few facts pertain to the life of one of the largest farmers in Bacon township—a man whose career has been an active and varied one, but withal successful, and who now enjoys the esteem of all who are favored with his acquaintance.  September 12, 1842, he was born in Butler county, Pa., to Adam J. and Charlotte Kirker, née Kirk, both natives of Pennsylvania, being the eldest of their eight children.  The father was a blacksmith, but Ira in growing up learned the trade of carpenter, which he followed in all for many years.  At the outbreak of the war he enlisted in the 134th Pennsylvania volunteer infantry for nine months, and afterwards re-enlisted in the 140th Pennsylvania for three years, taking part during this time in the battles of Antietam, Chancellorsville, Fredericksburg, Wilderness, and Spottsylvania [sic] receiving a ball wound and two bayonet wounds at the latter battle, besides a wound in the arm at Fredericksburg.  At the close of the war Mr. Kirker returned to his old home, and continued his trade until 1871 when he came to Vernon county, Mo., here settling upon a farm.  After farming some time and improving his homestead he settled in Schell City and for seven years carried on the carpenter business.  At this time he is located upon the Noah See farm of 1,000 acres, three miles east of town, where he is conducting agricultural pursuits in a manner that thus far has yielded only substantial returns.  All his operations are carried on as becomes a thorough farmer.  He has ever taken a warm interest in religious matters and when the first-class in the M. E. Church was formed here he was its leader.  In 1869 Mr. Kirker was united in marriage with Miss Hattie L. Reynolds, who was born at Newcastle, Lawrence county, Pa.  Their four children are named Frank, Harry, Louie and Jeffie.  Mr. and Mrs. K. belong to the M. E. Church, and the former is a member also of the G. A. R.

[Transcribed by Becky Siple]

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