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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 657-658:

A. J. King

(Recorder of Deeds of Vernon County, Nevada).

   Among the many citizens of this county, and indeed to not a few beyond its limits, the record of Mr. King in the public service is well and favorably known. Though less than 35 years of age he has risen to a position of creditable prominence and influence in the affairs of the community—one that reflects credit upon his ability and business judgment. Mr. King was born in Missouri, in Macon county, his natal day having been August 12, 1852. His father, William King, was himself a native of Howard county, this State, but he subsequently became located in Macon county and there brought up his son. Mr. King’s wife was formerly Miss Martha J. Rose, of Missouri, who died in 1857, leaving four children. Of these the subject of this sketch was the second child and eldest son. His youthful experience was such as could be gained in following agricultural pursuits and while not occupied on the home farm he was a student at the common schools, acquiring a good preparatory education. Later on he attended the Normal School at Kirksville, Mo., and after leaving that institution he was engaged in teaching for 12 years, a calling for which he seemed well adapted. In 1871 he located in Vernon county, and from the first has been identified with its interests. For a year he was principal of the school at Schell City and in 1875 he was honored with the call and election to be school commissioner of the county. For three terms he served most acceptably in this capacity. In 1882 he was made recorder of deeds, the duties of which office he is now discharging and will continue to discharge for some time, for he was elected by the Democratic party in 1886 to be his own successor. Mr. King belongs to the Masonic fraternity and is a Knight Templar in that Order. His father died in January, 1887.

[Transcribed by G. Burchell]

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