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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 505:

Dr. Andrew N. Kincannon

(Physician and Surgeon, Walker).

   The paternal ancestors of Dr. Kincannon, as far back as can be traced, came originally from Scotland, while his mother is of Irish lineage.  Both families settled in America during colonial times and during the Revolutionary War Andrew Kincannon (the Doctor's grandfather) was commander of a company.  Young Andrew's parents, George and Thirza (Newell) Kincannon, were both Virginians by birth, and in this connection it is but proper to state that both these families were among the representative, intelligent and cultured class of the Old Dominion.  George Kincannon was a typical Virginia gentleman, social and hospitable, and for many years served as presiding judge of the county courts.  Up to the time of his death in 1855 he was an extensive planter.  His wife died in 1868.  Andrew N. Kincannon enjoys the distinction of having been born in the first frame house elected west of the Alleghany mountains, a structure built many years before by the British Government at some lead works then being developed.  His birth occurred in Wythe county, Va., in 1821, and from that time on until grown he was reared upon a farm, obtaining a liberal education.  When about 18 years of age he took up the study of medicine at Wytheville, and in 1842 was graduated from the University of Virginia, thoroughly prepared to enter at once upon professional life.  He began practicing in his native county, but a few years later moved to Smith county, where he remained until his removal to Lafayette county, Mo., in 1857. In the spring of 1860 a location was chosen at Atchison, Kas., from whence he joined Price's army in 1861, acting as regimental surgeon during the greater part of that general's campaign.  At the close of the war Dr. Kincannon resumed his practice at Dover, Lafayette county, Mo.; continuing there until 1872, when he went to Clinton, and from there he came to Walker in 1881.  This has since been his place of residence and successful results have attended his professional career.  He has ever been a careful, close student and to this day keeps thoroughly posted, by experience as well as reading, in the advance and progress of the science of medicine.  As a man no less than as a physician the Doctor is held in high esteem.  He was married in 1844 to Miss Mary Beatie, of Smith county, Va., who died in 1872.  They had three children, two of whom are deceased, both sons; one dying in Virginia when a boy, and the other being drowned in the Red river while returning from the army in 1869, the boat on which he was a passenger sinking; the remaining daughter lives with her father.  This wife is also deceased.  In 1877 Dr. K. married Miss Achie Warth, of West Virginia.  Since 1860 he has voted the Democratic ticket, though previous to that time opposed to that party.  He has never aspired to political prominence.  He is a consistent member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.


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