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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 525:

Philip W. Jones

(Farm and Proprietor of Coal Bank, Section 34.  Post-office, Moundville).

   Of those whose names appear in this work there are some who are native-born residents of the county, and on that account if for no other these deserve more than a passing notice.  Among them is Mr. Jones, now actively and successfully engaged in farming and coal mining.  His birth occurred April 8, 1858, in this county, and here his entire life has been passed, a period still less than 30 years.  Very naturally he was taught in youth the rudiments of farm life, his father being a farmer, but after attaining to manhood he followed in connection with this pursuit the profession of teaching.  Steadily pursuing his way, attending to those duties which lay in his path, and by practicing close economy, he became enabled after a time to purchase property of his own, and this he is now engaged in cultivating.  He owns 209 acres, upon which are valuable coal deposits that he is now operating.  Below the surface some 18 feet is a vein of excellent coal, 30 inches in thickness; further down, after passing through a 12-inch strata of fire clay is another 12-inch vein of coal, underlying which is a vein of fire clay, six inches in thickness.  Still another vein of coal, 24 inches through, is next found, then a six-inch strata of fire clay, and finally a four-inch coal vein.  This coal, all of it, is of good quality and portions are adapted to the use of blacksmiths.  Surely one could not ask for more favorable prospects than Mr. Jones enjoys, but he thoroughly merits his good fortune.  April 8, 1883 he was married to Miss Amanda Hill, also of Missouri.  They have two children:  Maud and George.


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