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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 830-831:

Anderson W. Jones

(Dealer in General Merchandise, Milo).

   Mr. Jones is without doubt one of the most important factors of the business interests of this portion of the county, and especially is he prominently identified with the commercial and civic as well as social affairs of Milo.  Born in Central Kentucky, September 14, 1849, he was the son of Jonathan D. and America C. (Bourne) Jones, who were the parents of 10 children, eight boys and two girls.  The father is still living at the advanced age of 88 years, well preserved in health.  Anderson W., the youngest child in the family, was reared in his native State, receiving at first a common school education, after which he entered Greencastle (Indiana) College, graduating from this institution at the age of 26 with high honors.  During the war he entered the 7th Kentucky cavalry, of the Confederate service, and had a military career of no little importance or experience.  Taking part among other battles in the engagements of Perryville, Nashville, Hartville, Stone River, Richmond, Green River Bridge, Lebanon, Cynthiana, he was subsequently made prisoner while on the Ohio and Indiana raid and first imprisoned at Camp Chase, O.; but while being taken to the military prison at Rock Island, Ill., he made his escape by cutting his way through the cars and jumping for liberty.  After going through the States of Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee and Alabama, and crossing the lines at Decatur, he remained on active duty until surrendering at Decatur at the close of the war.  Twice during this period he was wounded—once at Green River Bridge and at Mill Springs.  Five of his brothers were also in the army.  Since 1879 Mr. Jones has been a respected resident of Vernon county, enterprising, progressive, and public-spirited in all his movements.  His mercantile establishment at Milo is of substantial proportions and the trade which he enjoys is an excellent one.  During the past year he made the race for the nomination of sheriff on the Democrat ticket, and though unsu[c]cessful the support given him was a fitting testimonial of his personal popularity.  Politically he is a stanch Democrat.  In January, 1883, Mr. Jones was married to Miss Mary E. Murray, daughter of Joseph Murray, of this county.  They have two daughters, Beulah and Mary Anderson.

[Transcribed by Becky Siple]


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