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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 830:

Jacob A. Johnston

(Contractor and Bridge Builder, Sheldon).

   Mr. Johnston, a young man of unusual mechanical ingenuity, whose career in life has been of varied experiences, was born in Missouri—in Henry county, July 27, 1855, and is, therefore, only a little past the age of 31 years.  John Johnston, his father, came originally from Warren county, this State, but his mother, formerly Miss Catherine Smith, was a native of Ohio.  Eight children were in their family, of whom Jacob A. was the second, though he was the eldest son.  His boyhood days and early youth were spent on a farm in acquiring a knowledge of agricultural pursuits, but when 23 years of age he went to Texas and engaged in the sheep business, an occupation to which he gave his attention for four years.  Returning to Missouri about the year 1882, Mr. Johnson located in Barton county, coming thence to Vernon county a short time after.  At first he was interested in the drug trade, but eight months later an opportunity was afforded him of engaging in contracting, and this he has since continued, securing for himself substantial gains as a reward of his industry and perseverance.  At the present time he is occupied in the construction of bridges in this and Barton counties, and, judging from indications of his skill in the past, it requires no prophet to foretell the character of his work in the future.  January 30, 1881, Mr. Johnson [Johnston] married Miss Ida Renison, a native of Pennsylvania, though brought up in Missouri.

[Transcribed by Becky Siple]

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