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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 652:

James B. Johnson

(Attorney at Law, Nevada).

   That the legal profession is well represented in Nevada there can be no doubt, but among its many members none are more deserving of mention than James B. Johnson, one whose ability and learning as a lawyer are second to none among the younger practitioners in this community.  Born in Pike county, Mo., September 30, 1849, he was the son of James H. Johnson, formerly of Kentucky, but who died in Pike county, Mo., in 1861.  His mother before her marriage was Miss Margaret A. Beers, and she bore her husband six children, of whom the subject of this sketch was the fourth child and second son.  He grew to manhood in the county of his nativity, being favored with superior educational advantages, for besides attending the State University he was also a student at the Collegiate Institute, at Ashley, in Pike county.  Upon settling the determination to enter upon the study of law, he commenced a course of reading in the office of Henderson & Dyer, and on the 18th day of March, 1869, before his twentieth year, was admitted to the bar.  Since that time Mr. Johnson has continually followed his chosen calling with such success as to give him a large clientele.  He is not one of those who follow the law merely for the sake of the gain there may be in it, but with a motive more ennobling than this he has sought to establish himself as a true representative of the law.  In October, 1876, Mr. J. was married to Miss Sallie K. Gordon, of Cole county, Mo., but a resident of Vernon county, daughter of James A. Gordon.

[Transcribed by Marty Patton]

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