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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 651-652:

Dr. Henry E. Jewell

(Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon, Nevada).

   Dr. Jewell, a graduate of medicine and a young physician of excellent qualifications and natural gifts for the profession, has only been located at Nevada a short time.  While young men, however, are usually slow in obtaining a start in the professions after they are prepared for them, on account of what is perhaps a natural distrust that older men have in the knowledge, care and ability of their juniors, Dr. Jewell's experience has been altogether different from this.  Almost at the beginning he was made the recipient of a good practice, and this confidence so early shown him, time and his own success have fully justified.  He was born in Orange county, Vt., and up to the age of 18 years was reared in his native State, dividing his time between working on a farm in summer and teaching school during the winter seasons.  His primary education was supplemented with an academic course received at Barre, Washington county, Vt., after which he commenced the study of medicine with Dr. Bixby, at Corinth, Vt., as his preceptor.  Later on he attended medical lectures for three years and was graduated in the class of 1884, but previous to his last year in college he was engaged in practicing for one year with his preceptor.  After graduating Dr. Jewell began to look about him for a suitable place in which to settle to enter upon his professional career.  Nevada was finally chosen, and here he has since remained, closely occupied in practice.  He belongs to the Masonic Order.

[Transcribed by Marty Patton]

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