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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 731-732:

Dr. Henry C. Jarvis

(Physician and Surgeon, Schell City).

   Among other well respected and worthy practitioners in the medical profession in Schell City, the name of Dr. H. C. Jarvis deserves to be mentioned—not only as a physician, but as one of the reliable citizens of the place and one who is ever ready to aid any worthy movement tending to benefit the county or community in which his home has been cast.  His parents were of Illinois nativity, as he himself is, born February 19, 1849, in Madison county, that State.  Fletcher Jarvis, his father, was an agriculturist by calling.  His wife, whose maiden name was Ann Eliza Brown, of Madison county, Ill., became the mother of ten children, of which number Henry C. was the fourth son and seventh child.  Up to the age of 17 he grew up in Illinois, becoming thoroughly familiar with farm life in all its details, but about the year 1867 he removed to Missouri and engaged in school teaching.  During this time also he commenced the study of medicine under the guidance of Dr. A. Bills, with whose assistance and his own careful preparation he was ready to enter college in 1877.  He attended lectures at the St. Louis Eclectic Medical College for some time and was graduated in 1880, afterwards taking or attending a post-graduate course in 1882 at the Bennett Medical College of Chicago.  In 1880 Dr. Jarvis first commenced the active practice of his profession in Henry county, this State, remaining there until May, 1882, when he came to Schell City.  From that time to the present his connection with its affairs has been of no little benefit to the place.  Quietly, steadily pursuing his way, without making much noise, he has secured a good share of patronage, besides establishing himself securely as a capable, efficient physician.  September 22, 1872, Dr. J. married Miss Anna J. Bills, of Miller county, Mo., daughter of Dr. Alfred Bills.  Four children have been given them, three of whom survive: Nellie M., Laurine J. and Alfred B.  One daughter, Lucy, is deceased.  The Doctor owns a good farm of 120 acres.

[Transcribed by Becky Siple]

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