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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 649-650:

Robert Irons

(Of Irons Brothers, Proprietors of Nevada Meat Market; also Stock Dealer).

   The subject of this sketch was born in Bath county, Va., July 12, 1840, and on his father's side is descended from Scotch ancestry.  Thomas and Nancy (Given) Irons, his parents, reared a family of ten children, of whom Robert was the eldest.  Thomas Irons was originally from Scotland, but became located in the United States when very young; his wife was a Virginian by birth.  In 1845 he came with his family to Missouri, locating at first in Monroe county, but afterwards he went to Randolph county, where he died April 10, 1874.  A glance at the youth of Mr. Irons shows that he has been acquainted with the details of his present business from an early period; for, brought up on a farm, of necessity he learned more or less about stock.  At the breaking out of the war he entered for service first in the 1st Missouri battalion, in 1861, and later, in 1862, Bledsoe's battery, in which he served until the surrender and the close of the war.  Numerous and severe engagements were participated in by him and among others in which he took part might be mentioned the battles of Springfield, Drywood, Lexington, the retreat from Springfield to Pea Ridge, Iuka, Chickamauga, Lookout Mountain, Nashville, etc.  After the surrender Mr. I. went to Idaho, where he remained for four years, meeting with satisfactory results during his stay in that territory.   Returning home in 1869, he soon after went to Texas and also to Arkansas, seven years being passed in these two States.  Following this he removed to Vernon county, resumed the stock business and also commenced pork packing, and besides these branches, which he has continued to the present, he has carried on the Nevada Meat Market at this place, a market not unknown to the city's residents, supplied as it always is with the best that can be found.  Mr. Irons certainly deserves his success, for he has striven hard to build up a competence and obtain for himself an honorable name among his fellow-citizens.  He was married in 1870 to Miss Fannie Mathews, who was born and reared in Randolph county, Mo.  They have one daughter, Nettie.  Mr. I. is a member of the Masonic fraternity.

[Transcribed by Marty Patton]

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