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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 648-649:

Charles B. Ingels

(Dealer in Hardware, Stoves, etc., House Furnishing Goods; and Manufacturer of Galvanized Iron Cornices, Nevada).

   Throughout Vernon county, at least in the territory tributary to Nevada, there is probably no more favorably known business man than Mr. Ingels, an acquaintance obtained not alone by reason of his commercial standing but by his intimate and interested connection with the county's affairs in many different capacities.  His father, Thomas E. Ingels, a Kentuckian by nativity, became located in Missouri at a very early day, and at present is an agriculturist in Cass county.  Charles' mother before her marriage was Miss Agnes Bledsoe; she has borne her husband a family of seven children, of whom our subject was the third child and second son.  He first saw the light in Lafayette county, Mo., April 24, 1848, and is therefore in his thirty-ninth year.  Up to the age of 10 years he passed his time upon the home farm, but this occupation not being suited to his tastes he learned the tinner's trade in all its various details, and may with truth be said to have been reared to his present business.  After working at numerous places and obtaining a wide experience and extended knowledge of his adopted calling he came to this county in 1870, and since that time has been engaged in the hardware business in Nevada.  His association with the interests of the city has proved most fortunate for her, and in various ways he has contributed and aided in the building up of the place.  After it became a city of the third class Mr. Ingels was made its first mayor, and discharged his official duties with credit.  Several times he has been called upon to serve as a member of the city council, and ever since the organization of the Fair Association he has been its efficient secretary, and to him as much as to any other man is due the credit for the excellent fairs which have annually been held at Nevada.  He is also at this time superintendent of the water works and in other capacities he has assisted in numerous county and city improvements -- movements which the citizens of this vicinity should not be slow to realize and appreciate.  His business house is one of the best hereabouts and the stock carried is complete and well selected.  Especially in the manufacture of galvanized cornices is he building up a good trade, and of this he makes quite a specialty, thoroughly understanding the work in all its branches.  May 22, 1877, Mr. Ingels was married to Miss Urana Douglass, daughter of Joseph Douglass, a prominent pioneer citizen of Vernon county.  Two interesting children comprise their family, Eddie and Agnes.  Mr. I. belongs to the Blue Lodge, Chapter and Commandery of the Masonic Order.

[Transcribed by Marty Patton]

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