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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 647-648:

Caleb Hurd

(Foreman of Robinson Bros.' Lumber Yard, Nevada).

   The firm in whose interests the subject of this sketch is now employed find in him a man well fitted for the position, for he closely applies himself to business, thoroughly understands every detail connected with the proper conduct of such a lumber yard as this is, and attends to the wants of patrons in a manner most pleasing to them.  Like other citizens mentioned in the present volume, Mr. Hurd's birth occurred in Monroe county, Mo., his natal day being August 26, 1834.  His father, Thomas Hurd, a Kentuckian by nativity, was by trade a carpenter, though he also gave his attention to agricultural pursuits.  His wife, formerly Miss Martha Stephenson, of the same State as himself, died in Monroe county, Mo., in 1860, his death occurring the year following, 1861.  Sixteen children resulted from their union, and of this number Caleb, the seventh child, was the youngest of seven sons.  As he grew up in his native county he learned the carpenter's trade, becoming very familiar with that calling, and continued it until entering the lumber business at Hunnewell, Shelby county.  In 1874 he removed to Moberly, remained there until going to Chillicothe in 1879, and since 1881 he has been a resident of this county, his connection with the lumber business here dating from that time -- a period sufficient to render him well known.  Mr. Hurd was married February 25, 1858, to Miss S. A. Demoss, originally from the Blue Grass State.  One child has been born to them, Thomas A.  Mr. Hurd belongs to the Masonic fraternity, and since 18 years of age he has been a consistent member of the M. E. Church South.

[Transcribed by Marty Patton]

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