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Ed Melton Received a Bullet From Hogan’s Revolver

Not Seriously Wounded.

Correspondence southwest mail.

     Metz Mo, Dec. 20—At a public dance at the hall in Metz Wednesday night, whiskey was the ruling spirit.  An altercation occurred in the hall in which Ed Melton struck Frank Hogan and received a bullet in his right side from Hogan’s revolver.  Trouble had been predicted and Constable Penrod sent for.  He was present and made an effort to prevent a fight, but the general rush interfered.  As soon as Hogan fired he made a rush for the door.  The Constable followed and doubtless would have brought Hogan to halt had not Arch Falore caught and tripped him which gave the fleeting culprit good time to make his escape in the dark.

     Falore was arrested and disarmed and released on bond to appear before Justice Hudson, charged with interfering with an officer and carrying concealed weapons.

     Dr. Hornbeck removed the bullet from Melton’s side and pronounced it only a flesh wound, but dangerously near the abdominal cavity.  Melton resides in the South part of Metz township and Hogan lives near Amos in Henry township.  He is said to be a ready man with weapons having once years ago been implicated in the cutting of one Meeks in Henry township.


     Squire Hudson of Metz in a letter to Prosecuting Attorney J. R. Moss says that Melton is not seriously hurt although the bullet from Hogan’s revolver passed clear through his side.  He also states that the officer who attempted to arrest Hogan was caught and held, allowing Hogan to escape.

The Nevada Daily Mail, Nevada, Vernon Co., MO.  December 21, 1900



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