Was Oldest Native Missourian and Oldest Cumberland Presbyterian Minister In the State.
Rev. David Hogan, of near Deerfield, an old settler of Vernon county, died Saturday night, at the home of his son, of old age.
Rev. Hogan was ninety-two years old, and a native born Missourian, and is perhaps the oldest resident of the state. He was ten years old when Missouri was admitted into the union. Rev. Hogan was ordained over sixty years ago as a minister of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. He married 1,003 couples during his ministry.
Rev. Hogan was the oldest minister in the state belonging to the Cumberland Presbyterian church.
His remains were buried Monday at the Deerfield cemetery. Rev. Webb, of the Deerfield M. E. church, preached the funeral.
The Weekly Post, Nevada, Missouri; Friday 26 February 1904 page 3.
Was the Oldest Resident of This County.
Preached the First Sermon and Organized First Cumberland Presbyterian Church Here.
Rev. David Hogan, Vernon county's oldest resident and one of our very beat men died Saturday night at Deer Field, his death being due to the infirmities of old age. The deceased was 92 years of age and for the past sixty eight years bad been a minister of the Cumberland Presbyterian church. He was one of natures noblemen, faithful to his duties as a citizen and to the work of his choice. He was identified with the early history of this county and few are there of the old settlers who did not know and love this good man. He came to Missouri during the year 1832, but soon left for Greenville, Tenn., where he entered college. In 1837 be returned to Missouri and in 1858 located in Vernon county, where be spent the remainder of his life.
Rev. Hogan preached the first sermon ever delivered in this county and organized the first Cumberland Presbyterian church of this county. During his life as a minister he married 1007 couples, the last wedding he performed being on October 18, 1903, when he united in marriage Mr. Frank Wolfe and Miss Maud Klontz both of Deerfield. On October 18, he visited Nevada and while there met many of his friends.
This good man and faithful worker in his Master's vineyard bas gone to his eternal home of rest. He leaves behind the results of a well spent life, deeds and an influence that will live longer than the life of the giver.
The good man will be missed by many friends as well as the relatives who now mourn his death. The remains of the deceased now rest in the quiet peaceful graveyard Deerfield.
The Southwest Mail, Nevada, Missouri; Friday 26 February 1904 page 3.
1876 Map of Deerfield Township showing Hogan property.
1886 Map of Deerfield Township showing Hogan property.
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