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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 420-421:

Adam Hofsess

(Farmer, Section 29, Post-office, Hume).

   As is implied in the name Mr. Hofsess is of German extraction, both his father and mother having been born in Germany, from whence they emigrated to America when young, their marriage occurring in this country.  The father, John Hofsess, was a stonemason and farmer by trade, and after marrying Miss Rosannah Ellinger, he settled in Adams county, Ill., living there a number of years, or until his removal to Pike county, where his death occurred February 25, 1886.  Young Adam was born in Adams county, Ill., May 3, 1843.  He was reared there and in Pike county, occupied in farming, until the breaking out of the war, when he enlisted in the 99th Illinois volunteer infantry and served for three years.  During this time he took part in the battles of Hartsville, Mo., Port Gibson, Champion's Hill, Black River Bridge, Siege of Vicksburg, Fort Esperanza, Spanish Fort and Fort Blakely, besides many others of hardly less importance, his military career proving to be a record of which he may well feel proud.  After being mustered out he remained in Illinois until coming to this county in 1871, since which time he has resided upon his present well-improved place of 160 acres.  This is an excellent farm, and the fact is not to be overlooked that upon it is found a superior quality of coal, which is now being worked.  His success as a farmer is well known, but all concede to him the good results which have attended his efforts in life.  In 1866 Mr. Hofsess was married to Miss Frances Elledge, of Illinois.  She died September 14, 1875, leaving four children: Frederick, Lula, Essa and Jonah.  His second marriage occurred May 17, 1876, when Miss Anna Bacon, also of Illinois, became his wife.  By this union there are four children: George, Edwin, Carrie and Walter.



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