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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 645

William W. Hill

(Sheriff of Vernon County, Nevada)

   The second child and eldest son in a family of seven children, Mr. Hill was born November 12, 1840, in Warren county, Ill., his parents being Thomas and America (Whitman) Hill, both Kentuckians by birth.  The former was an excellent farmer in the Blue Grass State, and after coming to Missouri in 1849 resumed his former occupation until his death in Pettis county.  His wife survived him until 1881, when she died in Warren county, Ill.  William W. was nine years old when the family removed to Pettis county, Mo., and from that time on until reaching his majority he passed his youth at farming in either Pettis or Cooper counties.  During the progress of the Civil War he was by no means an idle looker-on, but for four years saw active service and twice realized most forcibly the real nature of that internecine strife.  Three years he was in the 6th Arkansas infantry and one year in the 1st Missouri cavalry, taking part in the battles of Shiloh, Perryville, Chickamauga, and other of less importance, as well as several engagements west of the Mississippi river, such as Westport, Little Blue, Newtonia, Fayettville and Gum Springs.  Two wounds were received by him, one at Shiloh and the other at Perryville.  After returning from the army Mr. Hill came to Vernon county and for 20 years has continued to reside here.  For some time he was interested in farming, but subsequently entered into official life as assessor of the county, his duties as such lasting two years.  In 1884 he was elected county sheriff and has recently been chosen to occupy the position for the coming two years, and the peculiar fitness which he seems to have for the office, and his successful experience in the past, has clearly proven that he is the right man in the right place.  That he is popular with the people, irrespective of party, is shown by the highly complimentary vote accorded him at the polls.  In 1869 Mr. Hill married Miss Marsaline Chambers, of St. Charles county, Mo., though reared in Vernon county, and to them six children have been born:  Edmund Lee, Francis S., Thomas, William, Roy and Marmaduke.  Mr. H. is a Mason.

[Transcribed by Marty Patton]



Marshal Hill Dies Suddenly

     Nevada, Mo, April 7.—City Marshal W. W. Hill was stricken with apoplexy on the street here at 5 o’clock this evening. He was taken to his home in a carriage and complained of severe pains in his head.  A physician was hastily summoned, but he died about an hour after. He was about 57 years old.  He served in the Confederate army under Gen. Jo O. Shelby. He was trice elected sheriff of Vernon county, and served as deputy United States marshal under Shelby and several terms as city marshal of Nevada, in which capacity he was acting at the time of his death. He was a brave and fearless man. He leaves a wife and several children.

Butler Weekly Times, Butler, Missouri.  Thursday, April 15, 1897.



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