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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 828-829:

Mark B. Herrick


   On the 6th of January, 1885, there died at his home in this township Mark B. Herrick, one of the substantial, progressive farmers of this community, and a man whose upright, straightforward qualities of mind and heart had endeared him to all with whom he had an acquaintance.  Originally from Cayuga county, N. Y., he was born February 2, 1835, of the marriage of Warner and Eliza Herrick, nee Teff, both natives of the Empire State.  He was the eldest child and only son in their family of children, and when two years old was taken from New York to Indiana, remaining there seven years, when on account of the ill health of the father, a change being thought desirable on that account, they returned to their old home in New York State.  Mr. Mark Herrick attended principally to agricultural pursuits after attaining manhood until the outbreak of the war, when he enlisted in the 111th New York volunteer infantry, from which he was subsequently honorably discharged on account of disability occasioned by sickness.  In 1869 he came to Vernon county, Mo., seeking a change of location on account of his wife’s health, and from his first settlement here he took influential part in the development of the interests of this section.  Bringing with him those sterling habits of industry and skill peculiar to the people of the State of his birth, he made rapid progress in successful farm labor, and at the time of his death was accounted a representative man hereabouts.  His farm embraced 280 acres of land, and this is now successfully and energetically managed by his son, Stanton, at whose instance this sketch is inserted.  February 21, 1864, Mr. Herrick was married to Miss Almira Wells, of New York State, and to them two children were born, Stanton and Mary, now Mrs. G. M. Mabrey.  The former is numbered among the enterprising young agriculturists of Drywood township and bids fair to assume a foremost place among our influential citizens.  In the midst of the home farm is an excellent orchard which is deserving of more than a passing notice.

[Transcribed by Becky Siple]

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