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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 730-731:

Benjamin F. Herrick

(Of Herrick & Son, Editors and Proprietors of the Schell City News; also Real Estate Loan and Insurance Agent and Notary Public, Schell City).

   The subject of this sketch is justly conceded to occupy a most important place in the affairs of this portion of the county; one of the early settlers in the vicinity, his entire residence here has been marked by a career of active usefulness and influence and by a worthy adherence to those interests which have tended to the upbuilding and promotion of his adopted home.  The following facts, poorly written, indeed, will give some idea of the life of this man.  Born in Switzerland county, Ind., September 28, 1832, he was the son of James A. and Vienna (Wade) Herrick, both natives of New York State.  The former was by occupation a farmer and miller.  He died in 1835, when Benjamin was but three years old.  The latter, as the youngest of seven children, was reared in Indiana until 13 years of age, early becoming familiar with the trade of machinist and millwright.  Finally he settled in Illinois and lived principally in Edgar and Shelby counties, and during this time he was steadily occupied in working at his trade, building mills in eight different States.  In 1860 a new location was chosen in Polk county, Mo., and here, too, he erected a saw and grist mill and carding machine, operating it until his removal to Schell City in 1873.  He at first put up a mill for other parties and continued contracting for some time, but subsequently built a saw mill and was engaged in manufacturing lumber for three years.  An election to be justice of the peace resulted in his serving in this position 14 years, during which period he also gave his attention to the real estate, loan and insurance business, besides holding a commission as notary.  In 1882 he took charge of the Schell City News, and until the present has continued the publication of that well-known journal – a paper favorably known and warmly devoted to the interests of Vernon county, and especially of Schell City and vicinity.  In its columns are to be found only such items as should enter every fireside; current and general news, as well as matter of a local nature, appearing in each issue, while its editorials show thought and careful preparation.  Its patronage is an encouraging one and constantly increasing.  August 10, 1859, Mr. Herrick was married to Miss Sarah E. Vunkannon, of Mississippi nativity, though brought up in Kentucky.  Seven children have been given them: Jennie S., wife of G. M. Peoples; Albert C., William V., Sarah A., wife of H. L. Swan, of Barton county; Robert E., Ida May and Maud.  Mr. H. is a member of the A. O. U. W., in which he is a Select Knight.  It is a fact worthy of mention that he was the chairman of the first board of trustees of the town.  Other positions have been held by him, the duties of which have been faithfully discharged.  His influence as a man and citizen, in both the private and public walks of life, has ever been on the side of right, law and order.

[Transcribed by Becky Siple]

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