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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 644-645:

George Hartley

(Of Daly, Hartley & Daly, Manufacturers of Brick, Nevada).

   Mr. Harley, like others who are mentioned in the present volume, came originally from England, his birth having occurred in Lancashire July 23, 1829.  He was a son of W. Hartley, also a native of England, who as his calling in life devoted himself to agricultural pursuits.  George, in growing up, proved an exception to the general rule of boys following the occupations of their fathers, for, instead of entering upon the life of a farmer, he learned the trade of brick mason, continuing it in the country of his nativity until emigrating to the United States in the spring of 1863.  Some four years later, or in 1867, his wisdom and good judgment were shown by his action in making a settlement in Vernon county, Mo., where he has since remained.  When Nevada was chosen as the location for the new Insane Asylum, Mr. Hartley contracted with the contractors to burn 4,000,000 bricks, a contract which, as a member of the firm of Daly, Hartley & Daly, he is now engaged in fulfilling.  This firm has already been spoken of in the sketch of Mr. Allen Daly, mention of whose life precedes this.  Mr. Hartley is a man who thoroughly devotes himself to his chosen calling, and in whatever walks in life he has been found the qualities of energy, perseverance and industry have been prominent.  The contract now on hand has been given to a firm well qualified to perform it.

[Transcribed by Marty Patton]

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