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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 705-706:

Dr. H. B. Harris

(Coroner of Vernon County, Residence, Nevada).

   Almost 20 years devoted to the service of humanity sums up in a line the career, thus far, of Dr. H. B. Harris, the present popular and efficient coroner of Vernon county.  He was born September 26, 1849, in Saline county, Mo., the eldest son and fourth child in a family of eight children who blessed the marriage of Harrison and Katura (Hall) Harris.  Both the father and mother were Virginians by birth; the former came originally from Buckingham county to Missouri in an early day, locating at Marshall.  His occupation was principally that of a tobacconist.  Young Harris, reared and educated in his native county, early formed a desire to become a physician, but about this time war troubles so unsettled the affairs of the country that for the time being all else was forgotten.  Like many others he enlisted for military service and became a member of the 9th Missouri infantry, serving during the border warfare and on Price's raid.  After the close of the war Mr. Harris' ambition to practice medicine took so strong a hold upon him that he began its study with Dr. Alexander, of Cambridge, Saline county, and subsequently attended the University of Virginia, finally graduating from Dr. Pope's medical school at St. Louis, in 1868.  Dr. Harris now looked about for a location best suited for the successful practice of his profession, and in 1869 chose Vernon county as his home, where he has since devoted himself closely to his practice.  During five years of this time he resided upon a farm, and at present he is the owner of 200 acres of land.  It is unnecessary to say that as a physician he is held in high estimation by his fellow-citizens and professional brethren.  The record of his daily life is filled with evidences of this fact, and his public service also bears out the truth of the statement.  Besides holding the office of health officer for the city he has been county physician, and as noted above, is the present coroner of the county, a position for which he is eminently fitted.  In 1872 the Doctor was married to Miss Hannah Bosworth, of Bureau county, Ill., a daughter of Col. N. C. Bosworth.  She died April 7, 1876, leaving one child, Calib. Bosworth.  Dr. Harris belongs to the Commandery of the Masonic Order.

[Transcribed by Marty Patton]

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