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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 729:

Dr. Robert D. Haire, M.D.

(Physician and Surgeon, Schell City).

   One of the most successful and promising young members of the medical profession in this portion of the county is Dr. Haire, whose labors in the practice of this science have given him well deserved prominence among his professional brethren.  Born in Dade county, Mo., September 22, 1855, he is therefore only a little past the age of 31 years.  Samuel H. Haire, his father, a merchant by calling, was a native of Alabama, while his mother, formerly Eliza Laymaster, was of Tennessee nativity.  Five children constituted their family, of whom Robert D., the subject of this sketch, was the third.  By bringing up as well as by birth he is a thorough Missourian.  When five years old he was taken to Pettis county, from his former home, and there grew to manhood with a mercantile experience.  Later desiring to enter upon a professional life he commenced a course of medical study, applying himself energetically and with perseverance until finally prepared to attend college.  Entering the Missouri Medical College, of St. Louis, he took a regular course there and was graduated in March, 1878, following which he chose a location at Schell City.  In the fall of 1882, in order to still more thoroughly fit himself for the active and successful practice of his profession, Dr. Haire went to New York, taking a course of lectures in the Bellevue Hospital Medical College, of that city.  From this institution also he graduated in 1883; and afterwards in the winter of 1885-86 he attended a post-graduate school of medicine.  By this it will be seen that although still a young man his career thus far has been both honorable and deserving of substantial results.  His practice is a large one, for to his natural qualifications as a physician he brings a mind stored with the knowledge of medical learning and an experience which others might well desire.  A close student, he avails himself of all the latest and most popular works of medicine, keeping thoroughly apace with the progress of this science.  At this time he is a member of the State Medical Association.  The Doctor also belongs to the Masonic Order, in which he is a Knight Templar.

[Transcribed by Becky Siple]

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