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From the 1887 History of Vernon County, Missouri, p. 501

Robert N. Hagan

(Farmer and Stock-raiser, Section 32, Post-office, Walker)

   Only those who have been deprived of the wise counsels and influence of a father, and the tender care of a mother, can appreciate or realize the value of such parents, and when one is seen who has come up through the world to honorable positions in life without such home or parental influences, certainly he deserves credit.  Mr. Hagan was born near Knoxville, Tenn., May 31, 1834, and is of Irish descent.  His father, Robert Hagan, a Kentuckian by birth, located permanently in Tennessee after his marriage to Miss Lettie Kirkpatrick, of that State, following farming and dealing in horses and mules until his death in 1834, while on a trip to New Orleans.  He left a wife and five children (one daughter) to mourn his loss, after which his widow remained in Tennessee until 1836.  In company with others she then came to what is now Moniteau county, Mo., and there died in 1848; only one child of the family besides Robert is now living, Arthur, long a resident of Montana Territory.  Robert N., but an infant when his father died, and left an orphan at the age of 14, had but limited educational opportunities to secure an education, for when young he began working in a carding mill and continued it about two years.  Then he hired out and drove a team overland to Salt Lake City, going thence to California, where he mined and worked on a ranch with good results for four years.  He returned to Missouri in the spring of 1854 and on February 6, 1855, Miss Josephine Gates became his wife, her birth having occurred in Monroe county, Ky., October 22,1837.  The same year Mr. Hagan purchased a claim in Bourbon county, Kas., and for four years made his home there and in Vernon county, Mo., alternating between these places on account of the border troubles; his house was burned and he suffered many other indignities and pecuniary loss.  In the spring of 1860 he moved to Moniteau county, remained until 1864 and in that year went West, accompanied by his family, spending two years in Montana Territory and other localities.  In the winter of 1866 he resumed farming operations in Moniteau county, Mo., and up to 1876 was a resident of that community, then choosing a residence in Vernon county which has since been his home.  He moved upon his present place about four years ago.  This is well improved and contains 160 acres; besides this he owns 20 acres of timber.  Mr. Hagan and his wife have the following children:  Amanda J., born in 1855, now the wife of Dr. J. T. McClanahan, of Boonville, Mo.; James A., born in 1858, a resident of Montana; Annie, born in 1867, wife of Wm. C. Webb, of Jackson county, Mo.; Ollie S., born in 1872; John Oscar, born in 1874; Nettie M., born in 1878; Jessie M., born in 1880.  Ada E., born in 1862, died in 1865, and two infants are also deceased.  Mrs. Hagan is a member of the Christian Church.  Mr. H. is a Democrat in politics.  Personally and as a citizen he is held in high esteem.



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